The Unruly Chaotic Homemaker
Hi! My name is Kelly. I used to use this blog for my art. And I still will be, however I am going to use it to write down my thoughts and feelings to hopefully help me cope with the millions of things that roll around in my head daily. (And maybe not feel so alone) First,let me introduce myself. My name is Kelly and I am 54 years old. I have been a jewelry maker, a mixed media artist, crochet and knitting lover, sewer and polymer clay artist. I’m sure there are many more but at this time I’m drawing a blank. I used to love to read and cook but lately it hasn’t been easy for me. I am married going on 34 years and had 2 kids Yes…had. I am disabled due to RA, Fibro, stage 4 chronic kidney disease, diabetes and a few other things. Life has not been easy over the years always a struggle with health or money or whatever. These are a few beginning things I will get into others as I continue to write this. I’m hoping this can bring even one person some relief knowing that they...